Head to Head
Season comparison
League position
League points
Points scored
Tries scored
Penalties kicked
Drop goals
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Team lineup powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
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Timeline powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
5'Conversion Miss Rory Vowles
9'Penalty Jamin Hodgkins
15'Penalty Rory Vowles
21'Penalty Miss Jamin Hodgkins
23'Off Oscar Harper
29'Penalty Rory Vowles
43'Try James Mear
44'Conversion Jamin Hodgkins
48'Try Conor Geraghty
49'Conversion Jamin Hodgkins
Off Murray Davidson
On Jack Hewitt
Off Connor Adams
55'Penalty Miss Rory Vowles
57'Penalty Rory Vowles
59'Off Jack Ramshaw
Off Louis Haley
On Jamie Dutton
60'Technical Yellow Card David Whiting
61'Penalty Rory Vowles
63'Penalty Jamin Hodgkins
Off Joshua Watkins
On Rory Blyth
66'Off George Patten
On Oscar Harper
69'Try James Mear
Off Joseph White
70'Conversion Jamin Hodgkins
76'Off James Mear
On Robert Bray
Off Connor Deignan
77'Off Conor Geraghty
Off Robert Aikman
On Rob Bengry
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Match stats powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
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Dive into our Stats Centre to explore rankings, delve into team and player performances and make comparisons across seasons.