Head to Head
Saracens Women
Firwood Waterloo Ladies
Season comparison
Saracens Women
Firwood Waterloo Ladies
League position
League points
Points scored
Tries scored
Penalties kicked
Drop goals
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Team lineup powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
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Timeline powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
12'Try Nina Vistisen
21'Try Charlotte Clapp
33'Try Sarah McKenna
38'Try Charlotte Clapp
40'Try Charlotte Clapp
Off Charlotte Clapp
Off Emma Swords
46'Try Hannah Duffy
Off Sarah McKenna
On Cara Wardle
49'Off Beth Stafford
50'Try Chantelle Miell
Off Kathryn Robinson
On Jodie Rettie
56'Off Paige Travis
On Elinor Isaac
Off Rachael Thomas
On Molly Kelly
59'Off Name withheld
60'Try Sarah Bebbington
Conversion Lauren Cattell
Off Ellena Perry
68'Off Sophie Jones
On Hannah Burt
Off Christine Lawson
On Rebecca Owen
Off Storm Cobain
On Becki Davies
Off Carys Hall
70'Try Sydney Gregson
71'Off Vanessa Temple
73'Try Hannah Botterman
77'Try Chantelle Miell
79'Try Georgie Lingham
Conversion Lauren Cattell
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Match stats powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
Saracens Women
Firwood Waterloo Ladies
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Dive into our Stats Centre to explore rankings, delve into team and player performances and make comparisons across seasons.