Head to Head
Sale FC
Plymouth Albion
Season comparison
Sale FC
Plymouth Albion
League position
League points
Points scored
Tries scored
Penalties kicked
Drop goals
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Team lineup powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
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Timeline powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
12'Penalty Connor Eastgate
19'Try Name withheld
20'Conversion Miss Christopher Johnson
26'Try John Leota
27'Conversion Christopher Johnson
30'Off Mathew Talaese
31'Try John Kelly
32'Conversion Miss Connor Eastgate
34'Off Nicholas Gray
39'Try Joshua Skelcey
40'Conversion Miss Connor Eastgate
42'Try Name withheld
43'Conversion Christopher Johnson
47'Off Koree Britton
On James Kenny
Off Jack Higgins
48'Try James Salter
49'Off Daniel Birchall
On Jake Pope
Off Scott Makepeace
On Daniel Swain
Conversion Miss Connor Eastgate
59'Off Daniel Matthews
62'Try Joshua Skelcey
63'Off William Davies
Off Cameron Setter
Conversion Connor Eastgate
66'Try Jake Barron
67'Off Oliver Longmore
On Juan Rivas
Conversion Christopher Johnson
69'Off Alexander Ducker
75'Off Jake Pope
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Match stats powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
Sale FC
Plymouth Albion
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