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  • Recommendations for adult male competition structure published


14 Aug 2020 | 2 min |

Recommendations for adult male competition structure published

The RFU Future Competitions Structure Group has released a recommendation paper on the adult male competitions structure (English Club Championship Level 3 and below) for implementation in the 2021/22 season.

This follows engagement with the game over the last nine months and evidence collection. The RFU acknowledges that players are playing less games each season due to lifestyle reasons and modern day demands on time.

The paper recognises the significant opportunity for rugby to develop an optimal playing offer and structure that protects the future health of the adult male game, meets the needs of current and future players, balances quality of experience and player welfare needs and limits travel, while protecting the sustainability of clubs. 

The proposals include reducing league sizes, introducing league break weekends, and organising leagues that minimise travel, all essential to meet the game’s needs. Player feedback has also highlighted the importance of knockout rugby. Click here to read the plan.

Feedback is welcomed ahead of the RFU Council decision on Friday 2 October 2020. Please click here to share your views. You can also access FAQs here.  

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For any queries, contact Competitions-Development@RFU.com