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  • Platform for Rugby

Game Management System

25 Apr 2023 | 4 min |

Platform for Rugby

A better administration process and system for all involved in rugby

The RFU is improving online processes that support the game to help volunteers, club administrators, and others who give so much to the game succeed in their roles.

What is ‘Platform 4 Rugby’?

‘Platform 4 Rugby’ describes existing online administration processes, and the RFU’s effort to improve them. These changes are designed to improve the user experience when interacting with the digital platforms essential for the game.

The main things we are working on ahead of the 2024/25 season are:

  • Easier Login with Single Sign on
    We are introducing a system where the user can use a single set of login details to access sites such as Englandrugby.com, the Game Management System (GMS), and other RFU associated sites.
  • Introduction of a User Portal
    Accessed via a login on Englandrugby.com, users will have a personalised space that gathers relevant content and simplifies tasks undertaken by players and volunteers
  • GMS Updates
    We are working to reduce workload and enhance user experience by improving GMS.

These areas are the foundations for the RFU’s ongoing improvements and long-term ambitions, such as moving closer to the introduction of a Rugby Marketplace that would reduce administration by enabling single sign on between applications that are used for club tasks and RFU systems.

Where did ‘Platform 4 Rugby’ come from?

The RFU’s approach places the user at the front of any changes and is underpinned by a commitment to communicate and engage with the game regularly.

Following a review of GMS and input from the game, the RFU outlined steps to address a set of recommendations that have been broken down into four key areas. A breakdown of these areas is below, with more detailed information and a timeline available in this presentation.

Key Updates:

Introduction of Adult Player Registration

  • From 1 August 2024, Adult Player Registration will become mandatory across all rugby levels and formats.
  • GMS is currently being updated to accommodate this change. This functionality is expected to be ready by July 2024.
  • In preparation for this change, we are committed to providing relevant training and information to support the game. Further detail will be provided in 2024.
  • Note - The RFU Council voted to postpone this requirement by 12 months in April 2023, considering volunteer time constraints and the importance of accurate player registration.

Club Support – Community Rugby Help

An improved help portal platform was launched in Spring 2023. Benefits of this include a refreshed look and design, better organisation of help articles, simplified help request processes, and enhanced system intelligence to ensure a swift resolution.

These improvements were driven by extensive feedback from the rugby community, ensuring a user-friendly redesign.

Long-Term Vision for Club Support (Beyond 2023)

Data Management

The RFU is working to enhance the quality of club and player data in the GMS database, particularly linked to the implementation of Adult Player Registration.

Clubs are encouraged to review the 'email health' of individuals to ensure accuracy and completeness of data. More information is available in this video.

Platform 4 Rugby User Groups

User Groups were set up to give a voice to the entire game, fostering communication and two-way engagement. This is in line with the RFU’s approach that places the user at the front of any changes.

Active groups represent key stakeholders within rugby clubs and Constituent Bodies, ensuring representation for all roles, from coaches to players.

A member of RFU Council also attends each of these groups. See who is involved in these groups.


The RFU collaborates with the third-party provider of GMS to enhance and improve the system.

Accessed by over 300,000 users each season, GMS also undergoes regular updates based on user feedback to better meet requirements and support the game.

Updates are provided via Community Rugby Help under Latest Release Information.

We have introduced a network of specialist GMS Support Trainers to support the game by combining technical knowledge with their understanding of rugby clubs. This support is available to Clubs and Constituent Bodies by request via an expression of interest form.